Where's Justice?

The Demons aren’t just in Delhi- They’re All Around Us!

Where's Justice?The horrific incident in Delhi has knocked millions off their cozy couches and reality, cruel as ever, has shattered all false notions of security. There’s unrest and panic and protests all around, coz they’ve been forced to question their stupid belief that bad things happen only to others. You’d think a crime as barbaric would be enough to ensure those we pay to protect us get serious about their jobs. You’d hope the uproar would be enough to scare the degenerates to think twice before attempting an assault. My face distorts with anger and disgust as I write this… your thoughts and your hopes are highly misplaced- there’s been no let up in incidents of sexual assault… the low lives continue unperturbed even as every mortal worthy of his breaths breathes uneasy, uncomfortably.

It amazes me how apparently nice people are, and I’m not being sarcastic! I witness people that appear more compassionate about their fellow beings than I can ever hope to be, that too, with surprising consistency. People with kind words and generous demeanor who seem to believe there’s good in those around them, something that I find increasingly hard to do, every day I live, every breath I take! I didn’t have to be in the middle of a massacre to become a cynic, a couple decades spent in the so-called civilized world, in the world’s largest democracy has been enough to make me question everybody I’m not friends with. This will sound harsh, but it’s time everybody started looking at everybody they don’t really know with distrust… civilization is but an ideology, democracy’s a system that doesn’t work!

The creeps devoid of decency and regard for life (not just human) need to be fought without mercy! Violence should be used to serve the only good it can- justice, and those entrusted to protect should be dumped and done away with- we don’t pay them to sit and languish and turn on us when we’re asking them to perform what’s their duty! That reminds me, the P.M.’s been characteristically mum about another pressing issue and the machinery at his dispense has been busy is shameful display of force against unarmed protestants- that’s the world’s largest democracy at its competent best. You really got hopes from them? They didn’t budge during the protests by Baburao Hazare or Ramdev… to expect them to act now’s as futile as it’s foolish. They’re calling for capital punishment for the crimes they refer to as ‘the rarest of rare’… what a joke! That really ought to make the degenerates smile, coz they’ll continue to exist as long as we continue to accept and allow their existence. It’s time to hit them, hit them hard and keep at it until they cease to exist… coz it’s either us or them!!!

Look at all the beauty still left around you

Can’t wait for Doomsday?!

Look at all the beauty still left around you

One of the many stunning spots off-limits to civilians… Another good reason life ain’t worth it anymore.

Just a few hours to Armageddon! Or so they’d have us believe… And as much as I’d love to describe these they, I’m pretty sure you know who I’m speaking of. So, since time well may be of more importance right now than it’s been throughout its not by any chance brief history, let’s get to the crux right away…

Do you really put faith in the apocalypse? And, more importantly, are you one of the millions who’re actually looking forward to total annihilation? If your answer’s in the affirmative to the first question, you’re either a person of faith, albeit, a misplaced one, or, you’re a person of science that knows his species has long overstayed its welcome on this planet, is due, long time, for obliteration, and deservedly so! To the person of misplaced faith, it’s a heart felt appeal-  give sanity a go if and when it turns out to be yet another widespread hoax. The person of science- had the Mayans, or anyone else discovered, by means of what would be some amazing, yet unknown technology, that we’re all gonna meet our end in a few hours time, it’s Good bye, with a big smile!

Moving to the second question, as much as I’d like this to be a hit at the ones actually looking forward to the world ending December 21, 2012, I can’t, because I’m one of them myself, largely because I’m finding it impossible to keep my hard earned money from the government’s grasp. I don’t own a house, I don’t even have a car and my bank account shows a little over a thousand bucks with 10 days to go till the next payday… is it my fault then that I don’t want to pay the income tax?! After thought- I don’t really want it to end so bad. But that doesn’t change the fact that two perfectly sane girls I know want it to end so they can escape their parents’ constant nagging about their marriage! There would be plenty, I’m certain, whose reasons are a lot more distressing… can’t help but wonder what civilization has landed us into! There used to be times when survival meant everything, maybe because we then knew the real worth and meaning of life. We’re a disgrace! And so, I make it a hit at my own silly, yet serious problems, and my silly excuse for wanting it to end. And a hit it is at everyone else who’s lost the desire to live. It’s a beautiful, though besieged world. Look at all the beauty still left around you, be happy and add to its beauty in whatever ways you can.

The Festival of Frights!

Hitting Back Diwali PollutionTonight’s the night. Diwali. The so called ‘festival of lights’.  For those who’re unfamiliar, it’s one of the many nights of an Indian calendar year that an overwhelming mass of humanity collectively chooses to set all sense of caution and reality afire and pretends that all’s fine with the world. Hours are spent getting dressed (often with hilarious results), hard earned (or looted and extorted) money is spent on spurious sweets, illogical presents, uber extravagant decor and, worst of all, firecrackers. The end result- large scale pollution and utter, absolute vulgarization of light. But while light isn’t some living entity, the Earth is. And the damage this mad revelry inflicts upon the planet is virtually irreversible. Remember, Rama ain’t gonna come back to tend to mother nature’s wounds.

Tonight’s a night that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. But it’s not the crazies who will remember it (not unless they lose an eye, or a kin to an accident.) The atmosphere, the nature, they’ll remember it. Birds and animals, even your pets… they’re the ones who’d be hit the worst. Innocents whose only fault is being good and meek will suffer while lunatics indulge wholeheartedly in the maddening celebration of an event they’ve got no regard for. Tell me I’m wrong… that you do care for the good and its triumph, that you do give a damn for the cause of the righteous and the oppressed. Tell me you care… Show me that you care. Tonight, when your neighbor, parent or partner gets ready to light a candle, a firecracker or ornamental lights, tell him/her to stop. Tonight’s not gonna be any darker than any other night, there’s no need for more light. Just light up your darkened hearts, bite into something sweet, call up a distanced pal, turn off the t.v. and have a chat with your family… I know a lot of folks won’t, they’ll instead continue their assault on the planet to ensure that one night, in the not too distant future, you won’t have the chance, the privilege to do the things that really matter.

I can see the sky from where I’m sitting. It’s bright and beautiful right now, won’t be for long. It’s gonna get very bright and smoky and very noisy too… I’ve considered packing my bags and leaving here for the night, or locking up the doors and watching Dinosaur Project on my laptop… bad ideas, both! For the madness ain’t this easy to escape. What other option do I have then, but to Hit Back?!

Here’s Your Horoscope!

Astrology HoroscopeWanna know what the future has in store for you? You’ve come to the right place! Here’s the prediction– those who’ve come to this page looking for tips based upon the status of celestial bodies are most likely to go off pissed (although there’s a remote chance they might see the light) They will continue wasting their time looking for someone who’ll tell them he understands them and knows their story. Someone who’ll tell them things they know already, albeit, with an inevitable, incomprehensible twist in the tale. Those who’ve come here out of curiosity or through a random click at a little distributed and lesser shared link, they’re gonna learn that the distant sound of reason that grows shriller every time they come across bullshit is in fact right!

Astrologers will tell you a lot of fanciful things. They’ll claim that astrology is a science, that a certain group of stars and planets governs what happens in your life and that they can guide you. They’ll also say you should give them a benefit of doubt every time their prediction turns out incorrect… why? Because astrology is a science! What a big, lame joke!!! Do they even know the definition of ‘science’? Merriam-Webster defines science as a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method. And what scientific method is astrology based upon? The method that says the location of Neptune, and not your lack of preparation made you fail the maths test?!

I’ve read my share of horoscopes, although my share was pretty small, and was exhausted before I turned fifteen. Years ago, when I had my first major crush, everything that suggested it could help me plan my moves and get the girl seemed like an opportunity. It was then that I stole a hefty Linda Goodman volume from my sister’s bag and, sitting on the roof of our three storey house, rummaged through the pages to learn about my supposed sign. I’ve got to say the writing was impressive, with sentences like- there’s a magic about you and an ability to make dreams come true that can leave the most daring of women gasping for breath! Needless to say, it was a major boost to my confidence. About a year later, the object of my first major crush light years away, my sister chose to tell me a bit about the kind of person the stars ordained I was! Much to my surprise, and a bit of disappointment, I found out that the section titled Pisces Rising which had given me so much confidence wasn’t meant for me. Some weird mumbo jumbo of celestial origins meant that I was a different category of bipeds. This new section, my true section, said that I was a guy with his own time machine, a person who continuously seeks to change things about his life and looks, and wasn’t bereft some magical charm!

Now this ain’t the only reason I deem myself wise, but I proceeded to read about all other categories the planets and stars supposedly have us mortals categorized into, and found that I could actually relate to them all, and that they weren’t much different from each other after all! So, if you’re Leo, you’d find you’re somewhat brave and extrovert, but the larger description wouldn’t much vary from that of a Piscean, who, by the way, is supposed to be artistic and somewhat impractical (according to most astro-books in my share) I’m a professional writer, and I’ll tell you what non writers probably don’t know- the proficient ones in our line of work are good at taking one word and turning it into an essay, and then altering it just enough to give the impression of it being a different essay! And that’s exactly what these books, hefty or light weight, are filled with.

Astrologers are misguided, or mean souls that believe in zodiac signs drawn by cavemen who, in turn, believed that the light from the stars is emitted by vents on humongous burning chariot wheels! Hindu astrologers would have you believe your lives are affected by the actions of Rahu, the severed, undead head and Ketu, the torso of an in-comprehensibly huge serpent that yearns to gobble down the sun and the moon. Tell me you believe that! Tell me, you don’t think that part’s quite true, and it still doesn’t stop you from trusting fate-notes written based upon that same lousy tale! Tell me that, and I’ll tell you that it ain’t brains you’re carrying around in your thick skull; it’s a load of crap!

Most people read or listen to horoscopes, tarots and the so called spiritual healing stuff simply because the shit is out there. It’s there on every news channel, every news paper, almost every magazine… Hell, it’s almost everywhere, just like viruses, traffic and pollution! Now the masses of insipid, insecure people languishing around in this harsh, materialist world could well do without having false claims of solutions and help rubbed into their sad facades. But who’s gonna stand up and scream STOP? Who’s gonna slap the zombies into reality and tell the creators and distributors of these lies that enough’s enough, that they owe it to truth and righteousness to stop making big bucks exploiting people’s sufferings and stupidity? This is a punch aimed at the very big, ugly belly of superstition. The slimy maggot’s been sucking at your brains long enough. Get up. Gather the sense and the courage to Hit Back!

The Ban on Bulk SMS and MMS- Does it make sense?

Ban on Bulk SMSImpose a ban on sending more than five SMSs and MMSs– That’s the latest groundbreaking idea from the think tank of the most competent government this country has ever had! But that’s nothing new. That, in fact, is the regular MO for the people in charge of protecting us! Bring up crime against women, they’ll ordain- Stay put in your homes after dark, don’t trust strangers and Oh, how can I forget, show no skin! Speak about snatching incidents on the rise, you’ll hear- Don’t go out alone, don’t carry valuables and do not wear jewellery! You give a bunch of people the responsibility to protect you, they fail at the task, and they take away your freedom!

Nothing against the minor discomfort the bulk SMS ban is causing if it actually does help with the problem in Assam. But doesn’t it reveal, yet again, how futile the defense mechanisms of this nation have become? The forces funded by the taxpayers’ much taxed purses are utterly useless in keeping them from harm’s way. And how’s that accounted for?

Do you watch the news? Wait, I’m not asking if you watch the news channels, I’m asking if you watch the news, and believe you me, there’s a BIG difference (Let’s leave that for another time.) If you do, doesn’t the consistent supply of bloody headlines disturb you? Don’t you wonder when it all’s gonna end? I’ll tell you when, when the ones that are paid, and more importantly, trusted to protect are held responsible and accountable for their performance. When being reprimanded for failure would mean termination of service and not a transfer to some remote part of the nation. When everyone involved in the defense system bears the brunt for their failures. When the loss of every single life starts getting more screen space than the title of SRK’s next. And when that news is followed up until the devil and justice has claimed it’s due.

Every life is precious, priceless and preserving it is the paramount responsibility of everyone in uniform and of everyone pulling their strings. Is the present system of justice and defence any good? Let’s run a quick, short check… Arushi Talwar murder case- Unsolved, Kurla murders- unaccounted for, the monkey-man of Delhi- Ah, forget it! These are just a few, and much publicized cases where the forces have failed. The number of terror blast cases that the uniformed clan is clueless about, I don’t even want to go there! But it’s not their fault, really, for the system they come off is flawed itself. It doesn’t create heroes or sleuths, but it continues to churn out pot-bellied bribe seekers at a startlingly steady rate!

If I believed, I’d be praying that the bulk SMS ban solves the problem, I’d be praying for the people of North-East India, for the people of South India and also for the people of all parts of India. But since I know better, I’m just throwing a punch at the core of this chaos, knowing well that it’ll make little, or perhaps no difference!


Hello World!

Our Beautiful WorldHello World! I’ve been around for over a couple of decades now, while you… you’ve been around for much, much longer, or so I’ve been told. Anyways, it’s a late introduction of sorts, but know that I admire you, adore you, and am in complete awe of the beauty and wonder that is you. I haven’t traveled as much as I’d want to, but I’ve seen things… been to some shady spaces, had some horrendous experiences and survived some tough spots. I have no regrets, for my ordeals have helped me figure out my role, my goal. You’ve seen  times more troubling than I have, survived disasters I can’t even imagine, and are a wonderful entity still. But there are people, ideas and ideals that have clouded your true beauty and cost me, and countless others, the joys that are rightfully theirs. I’ve been told I’m pretentious, even delusional(and I’ve laughed at these stupid remarks) but I’m sensible enough to realize that I can’t change your state, not in my current form. But I’m not my best, not yet! Know that I will be, soon, and I will do all I can to rip the ugly veil that’s hiding your true glory, knock off all phoney belief systems that cloud people’s vision of you. I respect you, and by the time I bid adieu, I hope the feeling will be mutual. I’m all shaky and nervous, but that’s not gonna stop me. They’ve caused enough hurt. Now, I’m HITTING BACK!!!