The Festival of Frights!

Hitting Back Diwali PollutionTonight’s the night. Diwali. The so called ‘festival of lights’.  For those who’re unfamiliar, it’s one of the many nights of an Indian calendar year that an overwhelming mass of humanity collectively chooses to set all sense of caution and reality afire and pretends that all’s fine with the world. Hours are spent getting dressed (often with hilarious results), hard earned (or looted and extorted) money is spent on spurious sweets, illogical presents, uber extravagant decor and, worst of all, firecrackers. The end result- large scale pollution and utter, absolute vulgarization of light. But while light isn’t some living entity, the Earth is. And the damage this mad revelry inflicts upon the planet is virtually irreversible. Remember, Rama ain’t gonna come back to tend to mother nature’s wounds.

Tonight’s a night that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. But it’s not the crazies who will remember it (not unless they lose an eye, or a kin to an accident.) The atmosphere, the nature, they’ll remember it. Birds and animals, even your pets… they’re the ones who’d be hit the worst. Innocents whose only fault is being good and meek will suffer while lunatics indulge wholeheartedly in the maddening celebration of an event they’ve got no regard for. Tell me I’m wrong… that you do care for the good and its triumph, that you do give a damn for the cause of the righteous and the oppressed. Tell me you care… Show me that you care. Tonight, when your neighbor, parent or partner gets ready to light a candle, a firecracker or ornamental lights, tell him/her to stop. Tonight’s not gonna be any darker than any other night, there’s no need for more light. Just light up your darkened hearts, bite into something sweet, call up a distanced pal, turn off the t.v. and have a chat with your family… I know a lot of folks won’t, they’ll instead continue their assault on the planet to ensure that one night, in the not too distant future, you won’t have the chance, the privilege to do the things that really matter.

I can see the sky from where I’m sitting. It’s bright and beautiful right now, won’t be for long. It’s gonna get very bright and smoky and very noisy too… I’ve considered packing my bags and leaving here for the night, or locking up the doors and watching Dinosaur Project on my laptop… bad ideas, both! For the madness ain’t this easy to escape. What other option do I have then, but to Hit Back?!